Human Experiments Scandal and Litigation

This UK news report started off talking about the American Traditions lawsuit against the EPA and finished talking about the lawsuit filed by Gary Baise on behalf of an individual.

They mixed their lawsuits but the same problem.
In depth review–got to and the special library on human experiments by the EPA.
We got hosed by the Federal Judge on the first lawsuit by American Traditions requesting injunctive relief to stop human experiments at U of North Carolina School of Medicine.
The second lawsuit is a straight up fed tort claims lawsuit by one of the subjects of the UNC human experiments lab Landon Huffman, an asthmatic who claims damages, represented by Gary Baise, our friend and ally, former chief of staff of the EPA.
Two suits second one still alive.
Supposed to be receiving a decision from the feds on what they are going to do—defend or settle.
Haven’t heard from Baise who is the head knocker on the case out of his fancy DC Law Firm.
Milloy is not a party to the second suit, nor am I or American Traditions.
Schnare above was the lawyer for the American Traditions Lawsuit is a former EPA attorney.
Schnare and Baise are both extremely competent and knowledgeable.

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