American Companies Sabotage XL as a Business Strategy?

Foundations using money from business interests to campaign against those donor’s competition? Shocking. Imagine such deviousness.
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Gov Revenue Benefits from Dope

This will work out, dependent dopers who are avoiding work but have a life of leisure, now are contributing their welfare or black market “bread” to the dealers–the gov. The gov is taking a 25% cut, better than booze.
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Obesity and the Elderly Woman

The obesity debate is full of caveats and retreats. Sure, having some body reserves is helpful for stressful times.
But that must be weighed against the negatives of excess weight on a smaller frame.
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Lawyer Losers, Who Work for our side, Rich Losers but Still Losers

After collecting fees for showing up, the usual incompetence was demonstrated by Lawyers for the Chamber and the National Association of Manufacturers at a Hearing before the DC Circuit. Why am I not surprised?
Let me explain one more time.
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UVA , built by Jefferson, Now Censors Speech?

The UVA people think anyone who opposes fanatic warmers should be banned? Well at least the enviros do.
Ain’t they somethin’.
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