Extreme Weather Events Tony Lupo is da man

This is Viv Forbes, who is pretty damn good, talking about extreme weather events crusade of the Green fanatics.
And I have something really good to add to that.

Ms. Forbes does a great job debunking the weather events nonsense.
My addition for today is that I have a very high flying climate and atmospheric science colleague Tony Lupo PhD. who is chair of the Climate Studies/Meteorology Department at U of Missouri and he and i talked about two things yesterday that pertain.
1. I asked him if he had reason to believe that the model predicted one to three degree Centigrade (1.8 to 5.4 F) increase in planet average temp of 13.9 C (57 F) would produce an increase in killer heat waves of 95 F (35 C).
Tony’s answer–warming is a climate thing, heat waves are a weather thing and frequency of killer heat waves in that scenario is not going to change. Warming would have to be dramatically more to increase the frequency of killer heat waves.
2. Tony is finishing an historical study on extreme weather events (3 sigma or more) with Colleagues and they have found no evidence that the warming of 20th century increased the rate of extreme weather events. YEEEEEEEEAAAAAH Tony.

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