Climate Change Advocates meet Tony

Who can say what Climate Change means?

Well we can say that Climate Change is the new all-purpose phrase chosen by the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming advocates when they couldn’t find enough warming.
Climate Change became a rhetorical catch-all that allowed every big weather event to be “evidence” of the claim that human activity was destroying the planet by increasing destabilizing carbon dioxide. They started unabashedly using the words carbon pollution, like carbon dioxide is a toxin.
Cheating on the definitions and the big lies are standard propaganda techniques.
But the use of “Climate Change” to describe the rational for their aggressive promotion of carbon dioxide control could be held to something meaningful.
We could insist that it mean something like “Unacceptable Climate Change” that would mean harmful to human habitation or extreme so it destabilizes the environment.
The propagandists could be forced to hold to some rational standard of meaningful discourse, and the phrase could be held to a standard–the only Climate Change important for their use of it would be extreme events. Things that are not within normal climate variability.
This author said some intelligent things about polemics, but is not aware that science has a way to determine what climate events would be indicators of an adverse trend, more extreme events.
However there is a measure for extreme events in physics and science. The Arbitrary limit for extreme events is 3 sigma events, on the distribution curve of events in science, this focus weather events, and extremes outside the 3 sigma parameter is an objective measure of events that, if they occur in higher numbers or a higher than customary rate, could make a case for an unstable and more extreme weather pattern for the planet.
Well, yesterday I told you Tony Lupo, Chair of Atmospheric Science and Meteorology at U of Missouri is finishing up just such a paper and his preliminary findings show there is no upward trend in rate of extreme events.
But any sensible person looking at the evidence of rates of tornadoes, hot and cold events, droughts and floods, cyclonic storms, knows that. Eat your heart out all you panic mongers, Mother Earth and her atmosphere are too stable to sustain your insane crusade about the human caused climate/weather apocalypse. So IPCC meet Tony, and consider his research as a threat to your con game.

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