What a bunch of BS

So people decide they can just declare a disaster–skip the evidence on exposures and the clear cut evidence that no one suffered a significant exposure from Fukishima. It was a disaster because we say so. Exuse me–that’s horse s____.
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Extreme Weather Events Tony Lupo is da man

This is Viv Forbes, who is pretty damn good, talking about extreme weather events crusade of the Green fanatics.
And I have something really good to add to that.
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Philosophy, Theology, Science ? Take an Aspirin.

Some might say this essay is the classical way that philosphers get people glassy eyed.
Recently I have read a lot of CS Lewis’ serious books, not Narnia stuff, and he gets me glassy for sure.
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Enviro Rankings according to Yalies

The Yale international rankings of enviro quality show something that we talked about in the past, the Kuznets Curve in enviro quality.
I think Kuznets Curve makes sense. The EPA regulatory regime was, in many cases, behind positive trends in enviro quality, not ahead.
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Academic Hypocricy at Purdue

So let’s see if I get this right. Mitch Daniels can’t talk about conservative ideas and offer political opinions as a former governor because lefty faculty members who talk politics in the classrooms want to censor him.
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