Typical Information Session on Mining

This link is to a upper Minnesota public forum on copper and nickel mining environmental impacts. Gee, wonder what their agenda might be. Like shutting down mining and shipping it overseas to the Chinese? Think maybe?

Look at the speakers–see anyone who is going to be an advocate for mining nickel and copper? Maybe the academic from the University of Duluth, maybe not–where’s a a good representative for the mining interests. Trouble is most business and industry interests are so busy ducking for cover and asking forgiveness, the miners would probably send a Gaia worshipping member of the public relations team
Makes me irate–academics and advocates work their project to stop progress and shut down human activities in favor of some pantheistic nonsense.

3 thoughts on “Typical Information Session on Mining”

  1. fixed it, and decided i needed an it to make more sense, but i could be wrong, have to check with the editor.
    I wrote in the past for many different things. Always had something wrong that could be fixed, even by me looking one more time.
    I found that I don’t edit as well on a screen as with a piece of paper in my hand.

  2. I will make you my official copy editor, but the remuneration is lousy and I keep funny hours.

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