The Problem of a Bipartisan Political Oligarchy

This essay by Bandow reminds us that, as the lefties say–speaks truth to power.

Our goal is to question the scientific/policy “consensus” of the elites. Limited government conflicts with ruling class mentality. focuses on bad research and inquiry that creates misguided public policy.
Thomas Sowell and Angelo Codevilla also write eloquently about the ruling class/elite political problem we have that leaves the citizenry on the periphery, unable to stop even obvious political nonsense.

One thought on “The Problem of a Bipartisan Political Oligarchy”

  1. In my opinion this is a topic that bears much more discussion. It does seem that – certainly in the USA if not all “western” countries – the Ruling Class has decided that THEY themselves are so critical to the future of the human race that THEY must grab the reigns of power by any means necessary and lead us into a bright shining future, a future that includes the Ruling Class becoming a “new nobility” complete with pseudo-royal families. Look at the two main media machines in the USA (The lib Lie Stream Media and RINOmedia) and their incessant pushing of the “next-in-line” meme for the presidency:
    Oh, I’m on pins and needles!
    Will it be the next Booosh (Jeb)!?
    Will it be the next Clintoon (Hillary)!?
    Will it be the next Kennedy (take your pick)!?
    We only have 315 million people in the USA, so yeah, I guess somehow it does seem appropriate that we are forced to pick from one or more members of a very select new “royal” families that the Ruling Class elites are comfortable with and approve of.

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