3 thoughts on “Solomon on Vaccines III”

  1. It would be different if the flu shot was a true vaccine. Immunity only lasts a year not only due to changing strains of the virus, but waning antibodies as well. Unfortunately, we just don’t have data to conclude how bad the flu really is. Without wide scale testing to confirm influenza there is no way to know if we’re even vaccinating against the correct virus. The article isn’t anti-vaccine. It merely suggests that the benefits of the flu shot may not outweigh the real world risk nor justify government spending billions of dollars on stockpiles. Without reliable data, it’s impossible to know who is right.

  2. This guy Solomon is a joke and the Huffington Post is a rag.. One of these anti vaccine dopes. No better than Jenny McCarthy. I wonder if he has ever come down with a severe case of the flu. Its no fun.

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