Scary Side Effect from Ritalin for ADD

Recently the FDA issued a warning about Methylphenidate (Ritalin), that it can cause priapism, which is a pathological penile erection.

I see priapism from drugs that are stimulant type in a general sense, antidepressants, for example, some hypertensive drugs, and of course the most obvious drug family–the erectile dysfunction drugs. Now Ritalin is implicated, which means we have to keep an eye on other amphetamine drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder, a very frequently diagnosed condition.
You don’t wanna know about how priapism is treated, but timely treatment is absolutely essential to prevent damage and permanent impotence.
INFO from a release by MedScape that I got today.
Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Author: Zainab P Contractor, MD; Chief Editor: Caroly Pataki, MD more…
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental condition of inattention and distractibility, with or without accompanying hyperactivity. There are 3 basic forms of ADHD described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association[1] : attentional; hyperactive/impulsive; and combined.
Essential update: FDA issues warning concerning risk of priapism with methylphenidate use
In a recent warning, the FDA reported that the ADHD treatment methylphenidate has been linked to rare cases of priapism. Median age of reported patients who experienced priapism was 12.5 years (range 8 to 33 years). Patients who take methylphenidate and develop erections lasting longer than 4 hours should seek immediate medical attention to prevent long-term problems. If not treated promptly, priapism can lead to permanent damage to the penis. The FDA is updating the drug’s labeling to alert the public to this rare but serious side effect.[2]
Dunn note: there is a liberal application of the diagnosis of ADD in children and adults. Many active, energetic and hypomanic children and adults could easily be called attention deficit disorder. Too many boys have been diagnosed because they are too much like boys. As for adults some have been diagnosed ADD with pretty weak evidence. Some have pushed to get the diagnosis so they could go on ADD drugs, which can improve performance. Imagine, speed, cause that’s what the drugs are–amphetamines. An illicit market has developed.
I take care of delinquents occasionally from the local juvenile unit when they get in trouble there and are transferred on criminal charges to jail–many of them are on ADD drugs. They suffer from lack of discipline and behavior problems, but ADD drugs improve their behavior, so you might say they are getting chemical restraints at the juve hall.

6 thoughts on “Scary Side Effect from Ritalin for ADD”

  1. Sadly, I don’t believe any bribery is necessary beyond the promise of dulled, quiescent students that no longer feel unnatural urges to play outside on sunny days. Honestly, the best advice I can give anyone is homeschool.

  2. Trashy sub-standard senior care facilities have long been known to drug their patients to avoid having to care for them. Our schools are doing the same thing. Might want to find out how many “gifts” the pharma is bestowing on our principals and superintendents.

  3. Fortunately, adolescent boys will have no problem broaching this subject with their responsible adults./sarc Of all the questionable practices of the psychiatric discipline, the growing habit of drugging children that don’t sit still and behave is the most disturbing.

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