Mitigation v. Adaptation–Puuuleez, Humans Adapt

Let’s assume there is something worth worrying about on climate panics.
Should we devote a lot of effort to mitigation of an unknown?

Well the precautionary principle panic mongers would say–can’t do enough.
Intelligent persons might suggest–do what’s necessary to adapt. That is if unpreventable problems develop.
And unpreventable they are, we can’t hope to prevent some increase in carbon dioxide, for example.

2 thoughts on “Mitigation v. Adaptation–Puuuleez, Humans Adapt”

  1. Philosophically, when you’re going toe to toe against God, you must prove you are at least his equal. That means you control the climate, not adapt to it. Wouldn’t want anyone to still think that maybe man isn’t the supreme being. That’s the philosophical side. On the practical side, it’s still all about grabbing money and power.

  2. We are here because our species has shown a remarkable ability to adapt and thrive in almost any environment, yet the scare mongers would have us believe we can’t survive >2C temperature change. I wonder how they feel about Darwin and evolution?

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