IBD Lays it On the Line–Enviros are Totalitarians

Recently we commented on a number of people, Krugman, Figueres, who said a good totalitarian state gets things done.
This attached essay is one reason that Milloy and I think very highly of IBD, not to mention IBD has published Milloy’s commentary.
Thanks to Joe Bast at Heartland for the link.

One thought on “IBD Lays it On the Line–Enviros are Totalitarians”

  1. Totalitarian? Who is surprised? Former communists have gleefully adopted the Green agenda; The Nazis were the first to ban smoking; The Strength through Joy German movement of the 1930s was the forerunner of Gaia worship; Hitler was a vegetarian, dog lover; worshipped nature, thank God was childless, and he also did not smoke.

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