I be Your Pimp, Little Sister

So imagine politicians in New Jersey, guys and gals who know the real world, would create legislation that protects white sex slave traders.
Oh, scuse me, they’s called pimps.

These clowns thought that decriminalizing prostitution for minors would be a good strategy.
Is that junk science thinking?

4 thoughts on “I be Your Pimp, Little Sister”

  1. The road to hell is only “paved” with good intentions. It is designed and built with wrong choices.

  2. The problem with doing nothing was that the first people victims of the sex slave trade would generally think to call on their captors — namely, the police — would generally turn around and send those same victims to jail on suspicion of prostitution, never mind if they were tricked or forced into the trade.
    The situation is complicated, and a one-size-fits-all approach often leaves gaps or loopholes in the intended outcome. That being said, New Jersey’s first attempt to address this issue was an amazingly ham-handed failure.

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