Global Warming is Irritating the Polar Vortex

The narrative is being warmed up (pardon the pun).
Warming is irritating the polar vortex and causing cold to spin down from Canada.

You’re gonna hear, for sure–since everything bad is because of carbon dioxide, that climate change brought on by carbon dioxide is causing the polar air to move down.
If this is the ice age coming it’s because of warming. More polar ice and a rogue Polar Vortex is dipping down because of warming.
Or is it just generally under the heading catastrophic climate change caused by evil progress, and it’s time to get the horses out of the barn and grease up the sleigh. No cutting and burning firewood though. Must depend on alternative renewables.

17 thoughts on “Global Warming is Irritating the Polar Vortex”

  1. So if the world is getting warmer, why is it so cold? That’s to be expected and is in line with global warming. Just as predicted. So when did the CAGW crowd predict that? Where is all that cold air coming from? What happened to the tipping point? And why isn’t the increase in co2 causing it to be warmer?

  2. A true statement cannot be proven wrong with a consistent logic. The most important classification that both intelligent and wise people can fall into is that of the ignorant.

  3. Thanks for the reminder, GH05T; I sometimes forget that the rest of the world doesn’t generally use JP-8. Even though that’s a MAX freezing point temp, it’s still a lot closer to the real world than I was considering.

  4. Actually, A-1 fuel freezes at -40. If they didn’t get around to adding some anti-freeze in time, it could be an issue.

  5. Yes. Exactly the way “God did it” actually explains nothing.
    1. You must demonstrate the existence of an active agent causing the change.
    2. You must identify the mechanisms used by the active agent.
    3. You must show that the mechanisms work as necessitated by the effects of the change.
    4. You must show that the mechanisms actually were used by the active agent.
    5. You must demonstrate the mechanisms actually working and resulting in the the change.
    Until you have done that, you have nothing more than “God did it” which is an intellectual con artists way of saying “I don’t know so stop thinking and stop asking questions”.

  6. When something supposedly explains everything, it’s a safe bet it actually explains nothing.

  7. Hey all, you can put your parkas away shortly, because once the vortex drains all the cold air from the poles, all that abnormally warm air in the mid-troposphere will get sucked in behind it, saving us from horrible heating bills and flights cancelled due to frozen jet fuel!*
    Wait, what’s that? There IS no mid-troposhperic warming? Huh.
    *(I actually read somewhere that one airline grounded flights in part due to “frozen fuel.” I’m SURE they meant fuel pumps, or fueling equipment, or somesuch nonsense, but frozen fuel sounds … dare I say it … so much cooler. )

  8. The Polar Vortex swirls the other direction in the southern hemisphere – just like a commode. It’s nature’s way of trying to clear the air of all this ‘global warming’ stench.

  9. Somebody has watched too much “The Day After Tomorrow”. Just goes to show what lengths the Left will go to to avoid reality and admitting that they are wrong.

  10. there you go
    John Dale Dunn MD JD Consultant Emergency Services/Peer Review Civilian Faculty, Emergency Medicine Residency Carl R. Darnall Army Med Center Fort Hood, Texas Medical Officer, Sheriff Bobby Grubbs Brown County, Texas 325 784 6697 (h) 642 5073 (c)

  11. They can’t leg go of the narrative. There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligent people look for the truth. Wise people accept it could be proven wrong tomorrow.

  12. CBS on their morning news show has already linked, with a “could be due to”, the polar vortex to global warming by saying that the warming has weakend the winds holding the vortex over the artic.

  13. I can tell you 100% for sure, that global warming alarmism is hurting my southern polar vortex. Big time! Greentards are a complete pain in my a$$.

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