Federal Agency Drug War and Gun Running

I have made my case that recreational drugs are bad for the culture and for individuals.
Many oppose efforts to control drug trafficking and the corrupting effect of criminalization.
This essay affirms some of their points. Imagine ATF providing guns for gangs running drugs who then kill Mexicans and a US Border Patrol agent.

2 thoughts on “Federal Agency Drug War and Gun Running”

  1. My personal belief is that users of ‘recreational pharmaceuticals’ are to stupid to be allowed to reproduce.
    However, I’d de-criminalize all drugs, but with the following restrictions:
    1) Employers would still be allowed to terminate users
    2) Users would have to register themselves as ‘stupid’, have a chip implanted to identify themselves as registered abusers, and be sterilized so they can’t pass their defects on to future generations.
    3) Anyone using or distributing said drugs outside of these extremely strict rules would be subject to summary execution.

  2. I agree that recreational drugs are bad for culture and individuals. I also believe that prohibition is bad. Which one is worse is a matter for case by case analysis. I don’t know anyone lobbying for legalization of heroine, but we do use opiates for medicinal purposes. It’s possible that legalization of certain low-risk drugs would actually reduce the amount of people using higher risk drugs, but that falls squarely in the “you won’t know unless you try” category.
    Regardless of your opinion on prohibition, I don’t know many that would argue that the BATFE, DEA, and most other executive agencies could do with some serious reform. The entire executive branch has gotten a bit big for its britches, if you ask me. The ability of executive policy to create de facto law without legislation is eroding separation of powers. The militarization of the police force is down-right frightening. The “Fast and Furious” fiasco is just one point in a long line of abusive and incompetent use of police resources. The stated point of the operation was to catch high level gun runners, and has little to do with drugs other than the sideways connection to the cartels. I do believe that the biggest blow we could strike to the cartels would be the removal of their largest source of income.

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