Drug Abuse Tracker for Rhode Island

Many states have pharmacy monitoring programs for people who are multisourcing, in fact pharmacists exchange information on multiple sourcing. Obvious problem for illicit marketing and abuse.

RI wants to start something.
The FDA and DEA are already on the case.
Entrapment even, where they send in wringers to suspected subscribing physicians to see what they will do and how they will practice when faced with what might be a drug seeker.
In Texas every week a pharmacy must download script info for schedule 2 and 3 drugs. There are no cirulating schedule 1 drugs, 2 and 3 are drugs of abuse, narcotics, ADD drugs, strong opiates. Schedule 3 is sedatives and lesser opiates.
In Texas there is a special triplicate prescription for schedule 2. Slows down the traffic on schedule 2 a lot–I haven’t touched my tablet for years because I practice on a military base.
A physician can go on line in Texas and see if a patient is a multi sourcer or abuser.

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