DirecTV Drops Weather Channel

I have mixed feelings about Weather Channel/DirecTV divorce over fees.
Good weather info, the new Weather Nation is not as good on weather and forecast info.
Weather Channel was an agit prop site for warmers–silly stuff.
I loved their show on big boy toys–earthmovers and such, and ice truck drivers and extreme weather jobs.
Weather Nation has to pick it up to make more pertinent info available and more easily accessed.
Their forecasts are not available all the time and site specific weather is not better.

11 thoughts on “DirecTV Drops Weather Channel”

  1. We dropped Direct TV because of many of the porn and other objectionable sites that we were paying for, but one of the channels we hated to give up was Weather Channel.

  2. I feel like a pseudo-stalker checking up on his ex via friends and aquaintances. I used to watch TWC all the time. Used to be the default background noise station when I was doing stuff around the house. Then came global warming and we parted ways. But I still have this perverse desire to hear what they’re up to. Too bad about Local on the 8’s. That was their best feature. I tap into their website a lot. It’s pretty helpful and you can ignore any links to global warming stories.
    @ Robert Mahoney
    Weather Bug is great. Really good for traveling as it follows you and gives the local weather wherever you’re at.

  3. Let WeatherNation evolve some. From what I’ve heard listening to the telecasts, they know they need to get better. The do have one graphic that I really like, the weather advisories and warnings across the country.
    I could hardly watch TWC anymore, particularly when certain persons were on. Yes, their coverage of on going tornado out breaks were good because the people they had doing it were damn good (the expert, not the regular met. person).

  4. TWC’s weather on the 8’s.
    Since November 1st has anyone seen them give the records for that day?
    I remember last year we had active tornado warnings where I live. When the weather on the 8’s came up, they shrunk it into a corner and ran text messages from the NWS while the little image had to do the general conditions for some some area I didn’t live in.
    The main picture and audio was for whatever non-weather “reality” show was on at the moment.
    My local stations covered the threat better.
    They stopped doing what they did best with Coleman and A’leo (sp?) and started doing CAGW PR and MSNBC news.
    They left room for competition.
    I’m asking my cable provider to follow DirectTV’s example now that there are actual 24-7 WEATHER channels out there, even if there is room for them to improve.

  5. Regardless of any argument about the pros and cons of weather channel’s coverage, the fact is TV weather is obsolete. I think that has more to do with the trend toward alarmism and sensationalism than any political bent. They’re just desperate for ratings in a world of internet and cellular instant access. Even local on the 8s can’t compete. Why wait even 5 minutes when I can have it now? Attempting to move to serialized shows only put them in competition with more networks. With Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and YouTube around, who needs broadcast TV? The medium is already dead. We’re just watching the body twitch.

  6. Mr. T, you been reading my wife’s complaint list–local on the 8s was something she really liked, she would dial in places i was traveling to to check the forecast there too.
    Weather nation has been a big disappointment to her too, lousy local info and forecast are sparse–only on the hour. I hope the weather nation people are going to up grade their stuff–

  7. De weaderchannel used to has Local-on-De-8’ts. Now there is NO local forecast in our area. Bunch of Warmististass dunderheads.
    Can’t wait to see the next “NAMED WINTER STORM” to come through. But……….
    NO Local on the 8ights to fill us in on how bad it’s gonna be….
    This is what it’s like when an entity sells-out to the Prevailing Government Trope (I’m being nice here; should be GOVT. B.S.).
    Y’all have a nice day with Winter Storm JANUS……

  8. I much prefer Accuweather for my weather information. They still pump the global warming/climate change crap, just not as bad as the Weather Channel did.

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