Deep Water Horizon

I live in Texas and once lived in Louisiana, so the Deep Water Horizon spill has occupied my attention some.

I also have an old and good friend who was a lawyer on the plaintiff team, who kept me up on the insider stuff a little.
I would recommend the writing of Bruce Thompson at American Thinker for anyone interested in the spill and the trial–he was very informative.
Here’s the latest on the spill analysis, from an enviro source. I would recommend that you take this as a point of view, with maybe some exaggeration. The spill didn’t do nearly as much damage as some enviros were hoping it would. Nature has a lot of resilience.
Estimates are that 170 plus million barrels were spilled before the well was plugged in.
Oil is not a poison when dispersed widely. Fish kills and bird/mammal kills were minimal or we would have seen lots of awful pictures. The Beaches were not damaged and the loss of tourism was to a great extent the result of the media noise. The Judge reversed the ban on drilling after, but the feds ignored him, catering to their base. BP screwed up on the testing for integrity of the well, which at 7000 feet has enormous pressure, and it blew back in their face.

3 thoughts on “Deep Water Horizon”

  1. The ship was held fast by movable ice that was blown toward the coast by persistent northerly winds. When the wind direction changed a week after the tourists were evacuated, the Russian ship and the Chinese rescue vessel were both freed and went on their way. The Russian ship made it back to a warm water port before the Australian icebreaker did since the Australian ship had to offload another Antarctic destination.

  2. Steve: This is off the subject. so please forgive me. But were they ever able to recover the ship from the recent botched South Pole “global warming” expedition? On another website someone claimed all of the ice melted and they were able to sail the ship out.

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