Clean Air Act is a Runaway Train

The points made are correct as long as the courts and the congress allow the EPA to run amok.
I already splained it today, and so many times before.
So somebody says the science is settled.
The next step is what to regulate, any dissent or opposition is crushed.
How is it crushed, by overbearing ruling class megalomaniacs, relying on complicit cowardly business and industry, intimidated by EPA retaliation measures.
Then states and state agencies do what they are told.
Congress delegates anything and everything to agencies to avoid responsibility and objections from constituents. Delegate to unelected oligarchs.
Courts defer to the executive agency on everything to avoid, again, any conflict.
We have no lawyers businessmen, politicians, judges with backbone or a strategy, looking at short term maneuvers to survive and failing to consider the magnitude of the junk science/junk policy matter.
All that has to happen for evil to win is good men to do nothing. Environmentalism is just one aspect of the socialist leviathan. 1984 is here.
Tyranny right around the corner, starting with an illiterate, innumerate blow hard declaring the debate over in front of a somnolent and pathetically cowardly and irresponsible Congress and Supreme Court.
Of course the Academy, media and nomenklatura, the chattering class, applaud and congratulate themselves on their superiority and good intentions.
If this president were Joe Biden or Harry Reid or even Hillary, would people who oppose this nonsense about warming be so compliant?

One thought on “Clean Air Act is a Runaway Train”

  1. The EPA has been working overtime to generate massive regulations. Even if we have a change in Congress and the Executive, does any one really believe that those regulations can be undone? They are breaking the eggs. How do you unbreak them?

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