An Essay on Delusions

We ask ourselves how mass movements are energized and motivated.
Goupthink is a form of delusional magical thinking.

Political and social mass movements are populated by people looking for answers. They hate dissent and exude the confidence that derives from their membership. Environmentalism certainly is emblematic of a mass movement.
Eric Hoffer insightfully discusses mass movements and group think in his first and most famous book The True Believer and he explains in a short book how people who suffer from insecurity and low sens of esteem and confidence can be drawn into group think by megalomaniacal and charismatic “experts” or would be controller/tyrants.
James Lewis, a prolific essayist, but not a psychiatrist, discusses a fascinating tale of 3 Delusional Schizophrenics who thought they were Jesus being placed in the same setting to see how they would sort it out.
And Lewis takes off from there to discuss three important current public figures. I thought rather well.
I would disagree with him that paranoids always have delusions of grandeur, and I would also remind the reader that personality disorders can include narscissistic, megalomaniacal and sociopathic behavior, but personality disorder persons are not psychotic, just bereft of the normal social/moral restraints. They have no conscience.

2 thoughts on “An Essay on Delusions”

  1. CS Lewis said that there is nothing more oppressive than the tyranny of meddlers with good intentions because they meddle and control with the approval of their conscience. I would add that they also have a healthy dose of arrogance and hubris.

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