Sex Change Ordered by Federal Court

Judges are in over their head on many things, but they still get to order their preferences and make things happen. Aren’t they special?
The judiciary dredges to find experts that confirm their preferences so they can be wrong, but not in doubt.

Courts often are impressed by some social science poppy cock, because, as the great Constitutional Lawyer Lino Graglia has said, they cobble together words to justify their personal preferences.
I would say that is particularly when they are doing social experiments and expounding on new social mores and destruction of traditional ones, or, in this case adopting a junk science psychiatric position on sexual identity conflicts.
Here’s a story about a 65 year old man, Mr. Kosilek, who wants to be an ugly woman and he is in prison so his case went up on a civil rights to change to a female form petition.
The author thinks Kosilek is psychotic–no, he has a personality disorder and is a sociopath, but he is not psychotic. Bad antisocial behavior doesn’t define psychosis.
Junk Science psychiatry at work here. Note his life of turmoil, drug abuse, sex deviance and peddling, but his prison counselor decided to marry him, now if that ain’t an indicator of the kind of people attracted to psych work, what is?
Anyway a Federal appeals court approved the 50,000 dollar change over.
To get an idea of the magnitude of sexual deviancy, consider this list of the paraphilias. I would remind you that the paraphilias and most sexual activities that are deviant, obsessive and over the top are practiced by the male of the species but the feminization of the culture may change that phenomenon somewhat, although even culture can’t change the effects of testosterone to cause more aggression and sexual hyperactivity and acuity. How’s the old joke go, young men think of sex every 5 seconds? Maybe not when they are playing a sport or taking a test, but certainly when they are “relaxin’.

2 thoughts on “Sex Change Ordered by Federal Court”

  1. Any opinion I might express on this might have some think I’m a knuckle dragging Neanderthal. The paraphilias link convinced me that I’ve lived a very sheltered life.

  2. I used to think the every 5 seconds thing was ridiculous, but if it is an average of one out of every five seconds, that only comes to 4.8 hours a day. Now I wonder if that isn’t a bit low.

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