I have rarely been asked to assist in declaration of death situations, since I am Doctor Lawyer. Mostly Doctor, though, inactive member of the Bar of Texas.
Continue reading Jahi and Brain Death
Day: January 5, 2014
Kerry, a Science Illiterate, Pushes Climate Issues
John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam, by the way, is pushing for climate change policy responses and some State generated treaty work.
Maybe they can stop storms and weather events, which now are getting names from the weather channel to make sure people get scared and stuff.
Info forwarded by Fred Singer.
Bloomberg's Legacy
Tevi Troy, generally a sensible man and prolific writer on public issues, takes on a discussion of Mayor and professional nanny, Michael Bloomberg.
Last week I discussed this Medici of the modern age, who spent more than 600 million of his own money to facilitate and inflate and flaunt his mayoralty, in violation of the spirit if not the letter of American Law and Government.
We don’t elect monarchs or even Dukes or Counts here. He got away with his behavior and extravagance because he was rich, worth in the range of 30 billion adn New Yorkers and the New York press do love to kiss up to rich guys with big egos.
Thus Spake Richard Lindzen
Richard Lindzen once said to me from the audience–no that’s not right.
What an honor to be corrected by a climate science genius.
And here Dr. Lindzen, now emeritus Prof at MIT, makes some observations about catastrophic warming.
Is Coal on Life Support?
From my friend, great physicist and advocate for sensible energy policy and reliable climate science, Gordon Fulks.
Continue reading Is Coal on Life Support?
Meth Grasshopper? Make you strong.
Imagine that speed would make a person like your traditional herbal remedy?
Newsman Suffers Anxiety Attack
Gee, there just isn’t enough information on the health risks of fracking for this Penn journalist.
Censorship and Statist Coercion
Fanatics cannot accept coexistence of ideas. Regardless of the subject mattter, social science, hard science, public policy making, political correctness intimidation has changed the language, even censored those who would disagree with the state or elite promoted canon.
Continue reading Censorship and Statist Coercion
Turney and the Ice Cruise
Clarice Feldman provides some commentary on Turney, and the stranded Ice Cruise.
Continue reading Turney and the Ice Cruise
Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits
You might ask why is there a dogma that universal health insurance coverage would reduce Emergency Department utilization? All the smart guys say so, all the way up to the President.
Well, in fact the consensus about ED visits and utilization has always been based on junk science analysis.
Continue reading Junk Science Healthcare Policy on Emergency Visits