Let's talk collusive lawsuits

I got a call from a reporter who was asking about a lawsuit filed by 6 attorneys general to force the EPA to regulate wood burning boilers, fireplaces and other sources of wood burning in the Northeast.
Imagine that.
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EPA administrator has no knowledge of inhumane experiments?

Imagine that the Administrator of the US EPA would testify that she doesn’t know that the US EPA is funding and promoting unethical human exposure to small particulate air pollution experiments at 10 US Medical Schools?
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Experts advise taking those sodium intake recommendations with a grain of salt

Morton Satin wants you to eat your vegetables. He wants you to consume broccoli, carrots, cabbage – all the good-for-you greens, reds and yellows out there. But most importantly, he wants you to enjoy them so you will eat them every day. And that means you must add salt. Bring that salt shaker out of hiding and start enjoying your food again, is Satin’s advice.

Who is this maverick whose concepts on salt fly in the face of years of advice handed out by most all public health institutions? Continue reading Experts advise taking those sodium intake recommendations with a grain of salt

Alternative Medicine and Real medicine

Many years ago I was forced as a member of the Education Committee for the Texas Medical Association, to organize an “Alternative Medicine” symposium to talk about herbals and alternative therapies. I am still offended by politically correct nonsense by professional associations.
Continue reading Alternative Medicine and Real medicine