Warmist Spin: Carbon tax ‘not big issue’ in Aussie election — That’s why new PM has made axing the tax a ‘top priority’

The Climate Spectator spins:

Concern over the economy and jobs overshadowed the ‘carbon tax’ and other issues, voters were split on repeal and there was more support for the Coalition honouring their promised pollution reduction targets than repealing carbon pricing, a national exit poll has found.

But when it came to choosing between repeal and continuation of carbon pricing, voters were split, 47 per cent each.

The findings come from a weighted JWS Research national IVR (automated) poll of more than 1500 voters.

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3 thoughts on “Warmist Spin: Carbon tax ‘not big issue’ in Aussie election — That’s why new PM has made axing the tax a ‘top priority’”

  1. The sheer stupidity of a “Carbon Tax” put an end to the Left-wing ignoramuses that wanted to rule this country.

  2. Sooo: The previous government was spot on about the carbon tax. It just screwed up everything else.

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