Warmist: ‘Sea level rise is one of the most visible effects of climate change’ — Really? At 0.1 inches per year?

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

“Sea level rise is one of the most visible effects of climate change and the report found that sea levels are increasing more rapidly than in previous decades,” wrote Andrew Freedman of Climate Central about the IPCC’s new report.

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Read more on recent sea-level rise.

5 thoughts on “Warmist: ‘Sea level rise is one of the most visible effects of climate change’ — Really? At 0.1 inches per year?”

  1. Sea level rise is one of the most visible markers of climate change, all right. And it’s decreased, meaning that climate change as a threat is wildly (and most visibly) overblown. In fact, it’s overdone to the point of fraud.

  2. Thats less than the beach loss due to erosion that we’ve already been dealing with by dredging up sand and rebuilding the beach on a regular basis.

  3. Yeah it is about 13″ in 100 years, but the average increase for the last 18000 years has been 26″ per hundred years, so we are now below average. My undestanding is since the last ice age water has gone up 120 meters, and it continues to grow.

    Instead of this AGW hype, why not admit it is natural and tell folks to build about 20″ higher to account for water level increase if they build close to shore.

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