Warmist Lord Stern’s Choice of Us: A UN-run world or climate change — We channel Patrick Henry and pick climate change

Lord Nicolas Stern writes in the Observer:

This week’s report will confront us with the risks we would face from unmanaged climate change, and should help us to recognise there is so much we can do to create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

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3 thoughts on “Warmist Lord Stern’s Choice of Us: A UN-run world or climate change — We channel Patrick Henry and pick climate change”

  1. Looks like there will be a fight between warmist economists (Stern) and warmist scientists (Steffen) over which of them gets to run the world. Maybe they will just divide it up and rule over different bits of it. They can call the bits Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia.

  2. If he is as correct as the rest of the ‘so called’ climate scientists then I don’t think we have much to worry about. Frankly in the face of all the physical evidence around us that says that AGW is a non event, I am stating to get bored with the constant droning of these self opinionated preachers. The fact that he is apparently a ‘Lord’ does not infer that he has any more intelligence than others!

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