Warmist George Schultz on Keystone XL: “It’s oil that’s going to be produced regardless of pipeline… Get over it!”

From a New Yorker article on Obama and Keystone XL:

Accounts of Obama’s private views about his second-term climate agenda suggest that he sees the E.P.A. rules as his real legacy on the issue, and that he’s skeptical of the environmentalists’ claims about Keystone. “He thinks the greenhouse-gas numbers have been inflated by opponents,” Ambassador Doer said. Journalists who discussed the issue with Obama earlier this year in off-the-record sessions said that he told them the same thing. Some of Steyer’s allies on the climate issue also remain unconvinced that Keystone is the right battle. Rubin, who will be an adviser to the climate initiative being launched by Steyer, Paulson, and Bloomberg, says he doesn’t oppose the pipeline, and Shultz, another adviser to the new effort, favors approving Keystone. “This is oil that’s going to be produced whether or not there’s a Keystone pipeline,” Shultz said. “Get over it!”

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One thought on “Warmist George Schultz on Keystone XL: “It’s oil that’s going to be produced regardless of pipeline… Get over it!””

  1. Is this the same George Schultz from CA who was a chairperson on the Meg Whitman for CA Governor campaign who prevented her from opposing SB 32 Cap & Trade which would (and did) destroy CA business environment?

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