Tony Blair: IPCC report to erase ‘any serious doubt’ of manmade warming in minds of ‘serious people’ — Seriously?

The Telegraph reports:

The former British prime minister made his remarks at a major climate industry conference in New York on Monday, just days before the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) delivers its fifth report into global warming in Stockholm on Friday…

“After this panel assessment this week, there will no longer be any serious doubt in the minds of serious people that this is a serious problem,” he said, “The question is can we find the means of galvanising the [political] leaderships to act in the way they should?”

“Ninety-five per cent certain, is a pretty large degree of certainty – I recall that the number of people who think Elvis is still alive is round about five per cent,” he added, to laughter.

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7 thoughts on “Tony Blair: IPCC report to erase ‘any serious doubt’ of manmade warming in minds of ‘serious people’ — Seriously?”

  1. Worth pointing out that in the UK at least. Mr Blair’s reputation is seriously undermined by the public perception that he lied over WMD to start the Iraq war. Whether that is fair or not I leave to others but the result is that Mr Blair lacks credibility.

  2. These climate sorcerers and their faithful followers are unparalleled in the history of natural science. In any other field people like Mr. Blair and those who call themselves scientists would be ruthlessly and efficiently expelled from the community because of their lying and cheating (there are examples, you know), but not so in climate science. Why is that? The reason is MONEY. Every once in a while some of those who once where budding, decent scientists fail and discover the road to easy money by fabricating gruesome doomsday prophecies to ascertain the support of those in power. Climate science is by far the best arena for that kind of corruption. Nothing scares a politician more, except losing the next election, than a promised hurricane (of which there is a record low right now) or 21 feet of sea level rise and joining the crowd is a sure way of securing fame and power in the next election. The trick is not new, the old Chaldean kings used to scare the people with threatening to turn off the Sun, which they could successfully do using the predictions of the Court astronomers. Those, however, based their predictions on observations and logical conclusions drawn from them, which present-day climate doomsday prophets do not.
    About Mr. Blair, he has his formal training in law. In spite of not being familiar the finer details of British education in that field, I venture a guess that climate science is not widely taught to aspiring lawyers.

  3. “The former British prime minister made his remarks at a major climate industry conference in New York on Monday.” He just happened to be in town and dropped in.

    OR . . . he was paid to appear.

    “After this panel assessment this week, there will no longer be any serious doubt”

    Of course, to a panel of schlockmeisters that will stop getting paid if they can’t convince people it’s serious, yep, it’s serious.

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