Tasmanian Skeptics: Liberal Party to dump Climate Action Council if they win upcoming election

The Examiner (Australia) reports:

THE Tasmanian Liberals will abolish the state’s Climate Action Council if they win the state election.

The action council was formed in 2009 to provide independent expert advice on Tasmania’s response to climate change…

“We recognise the importance of undertaking practical measures to reduce [Tasmania’s] carbon footprint,” he said.

“[But] these measures need to be real and practical.”

Mr Hodgman did not elaborate on what these measures were, instead criticising Labor and the Greens.

“The carbon tax for example has done nothing to address the issue of climate change, but has made power even more expensive for Tasmanian households and small businesses,” he said.

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4 thoughts on “Tasmanian Skeptics: Liberal Party to dump Climate Action Council if they win upcoming election”

  1. Tasmania is the home of the economic wrecking Greens. Whilst never having been in actual power down there they have had enough influence over the last 25 years to turn the State into a basket case. Tasmanians being a bit slow they are only just working just how thoroughly Tasmania has been ruined by them. They have the worst unemployment, educational outcomes, health outcomes, life expectancy, etc, etc, of any white Australians (the only group in Australia worse than them are bush Aborigines, and people are finally working out that nannying them to death is doing just that, nannying them to literal death).
    I did a couple of years of primary schooling in Tassie back in the late ’60s and when I got back to the mainland I was a complete year in front. 30 years later I would have been a complete year behind.

  2. Why does Tasmania have its own council? The Australian one was disbanded last week. Is Hobart an independent governing authority? I thought that Tasmania was just another state in Australia.

  3. Right! And I sure hope those pesky asteroids keep their distance. Then we’ll all be happy. In the meantime we want REAL science.

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