Secondhand Breath? ‘Make greenhouse gases as offensive to us as cigarette smoke,’ says Sierra Club

The Sierra Club writes to the New York Times:

In his column, N. Gregory Mankiw argued for a carbon tax that would require offsetting reductions in other taxes.

But in doing so, he was dismissive of changes in societal values and regulation as paths to reduced carbon emissions. Such paths have been effective in other arenas — curtailing the use of tobacco, for example. And when it comes to gasoline use, social values about driving are already changing in an environment-saving direction, especially among young people.

So instead of dismissing those approaches, I would rather ask, “Where is the leadership in government, in the private sector, and in the media, to help make greenhouse gases as offensive to us as cigarette smoke has become?”

Read the original letter.

8 thoughts on “Secondhand Breath? ‘Make greenhouse gases as offensive to us as cigarette smoke,’ says Sierra Club”

  1. Perfect, in commenting, Mr. Mankiw has violated one of his own principles by expelling greenhouse gas. He’ll be happy to know I socially disapprove of him. You gotta start somewhere, right?

  2. Perhaps they wish to do so because CO2 will help tobacco plants grow. Otherwise, to consider greenhouse gasses as offensive as tobacco smoke should at least require some evidence of an offensive greenhouse effect.

  3. Yes, make greenhouse gasses offensive and ban them. Water vapor must be banned from the earth. Obama must get the EPA to drain the oceans which will keep them from rising. The most prevalent greenhouse gas must be the worst.

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