Report: 19% of typical Aussie home electric bill due to carbon tax and other ‘green’ energy programs

IER Reports: Continue reading Report: 19% of typical Aussie home electric bill due to carbon tax and other ‘green’ energy programs

Makin’ it up: NOAA says 35% of March-May 2012 ‘extreme warmth’ in Eastern US due to manmade global warming

What is the scientific process for differentiating causes of warming over a specific 3-month period in a specific region? Continue reading Makin’ it up: NOAA says 35% of March-May 2012 ‘extreme warmth’ in Eastern US due to manmade global warming

UK Met Office admits: ‘No evidence we are seeing things that could not have happened without natural weather variability’

The Financial Times reports: Continue reading UK Met Office admits: ‘No evidence we are seeing things that could not have happened without natural weather variability’

Greek yogurt maker Chobani issues recall — ‘No preservatives’ caused food poisoning

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports: Continue reading Greek yogurt maker Chobani issues recall — ‘No preservatives’ caused food poisoning