Spurned Warmista: Julia Gillard — imposer of Aussie carbon tax — leaves politics, exiled to honorary professorship

Her next post will be as an honorary college professor — whatever that is. Continue reading Spurned Warmista: Julia Gillard — imposer of Aussie carbon tax — leaves politics, exiled to honorary professorship

WaPo advocates carbon tax on day Australia dumped its carbon tax (and the politicians that imposed it)

The Washington Post editorializes: Continue reading WaPo advocates carbon tax on day Australia dumped its carbon tax (and the politicians that imposed it)

If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

We can apparently add one more situation to the growing pile of instances where folks pushing the idea of man-caused global warming are caught trying to hide inconvenient details. Continue reading If Global Warming Promoters are Proud of all their ██████ ████████ Work, then Why do They Hide Parts of It?

Reuters: Conservative leader Abbott expected to win Australian election as polls open

Tony Abbott could have a 40-seat majority in a 150-seat Parliament! Continue reading Reuters: Conservative leader Abbott expected to win Australian election as polls open

Warmism’s last day in Australia? Likely new PM dismissed global warming as ‘absolute crap’

Even the American Left is smoldering over the probable election of Tony Abbott. Continue reading Warmism’s last day in Australia? Likely new PM dismissed global warming as ‘absolute crap’