White House urged to developed ‘social cost of carbon’ figure in an open, transparent process

The social cost of carbon is zero — as an open and transparent process would demonstrate. Continue reading White House urged to developed ‘social cost of carbon’ figure in an open, transparent process

Arctic ice melt IS a problem because Right-wing newspapers smell, explains Guardian climate ‘expert’

James Delingpole writes at the Telegraph: Continue reading Arctic ice melt IS a problem because Right-wing newspapers smell, explains Guardian climate ‘expert’

Did global warming cause a Florida dengue outbreak — the Bill McKibben-Steve Milloy Twitter debate

We report, you decide. Continue reading Did global warming cause a Florida dengue outbreak — the Bill McKibben-Steve Milloy Twitter debate

Bring it on: Nanny Bloomberg, billionaire enviro Steyer, Hank ‘Mr. TARP’ Paulson to launch global warming push

Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer are well-known billionaire activists. Beyond the TARP fiasco, you may remember that Steve Milloy’s Free Enterprise Action Fund uncovered self-dealing by enviro Hank Paulson while he was chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs.

The Hill reports:

Outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will launch a “major bipartisan initiative on climate change” in October with billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer and George W. Bush-era Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, according to a published report.

The plan is mentioned in a new profile of Steyer and his work against the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline in The New Yorker.

Bloomberg has made climate a priority with efforts including a major grant to the Sierra Club’s anti-coal plant work and plans to strengthen New York City’s defenses against powerful storms.

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Frackers’ “Eat Me Last” Gambit: Our CO2 is part of the solution to global warming!

The Guardian reports on UK energy and climate minister Ed Davey’s lame effort to espouse the fracking industry’s “Our CO2 is OK” line: Continue reading Frackers’ “Eat Me Last” Gambit: Our CO2 is part of the solution to global warming!

Richard Windsor’s $40K official portrait spurs EGO Act banning taxpayer funding — ‘Lisa Jackson can borrow my camera for free’

FoxNews.com reports: Continue reading Richard Windsor’s $40K official portrait spurs EGO Act banning taxpayer funding — ‘Lisa Jackson can borrow my camera for free’