Silly Waste: UCSD gets $20 million from taxpayers to study effects of seaspray on human health, climate

UTSanDiego announced: Continue reading Silly Waste: UCSD gets $20 million from taxpayers to study effects of seaspray on human health, climate

Poland rejects using less coal — would only lower emissions with technology (which doesn’t exist)

So Poland won’t be lowering emissions anytime soon. Continue reading Poland rejects using less coal — would only lower emissions with technology (which doesn’t exist)

Indiana Jones threatened with deportation from Indonesia for ‘attacking’ minister with questions about global warming

AFP reports: Continue reading Indiana Jones threatened with deportation from Indonesia for ‘attacking’ minister with questions about global warming

Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy”

Fergus Green writes at Continue reading Univ. London Prof: Aussie election “a major blow has been struck to the mainstream ‘Treaties, Targets & Trading’ paradigm of global climate policy”

Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism

Joe Romm rants at ClimateProgress: Continue reading Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism

Lengthy Senate report details EPA FOIA abuses — ‘pursued a path of obfuscation’ from start of Obama admin

The Washington Examiner reports: Continue reading Lengthy Senate report details EPA FOIA abuses — ‘pursued a path of obfuscation’ from start of Obama admin