Warmist George Schultz on Keystone XL: “It’s oil that’s going to be produced regardless of pipeline… Get over it!”

From a New Yorker article on Obama and Keystone XL: Continue reading Warmist George Schultz on Keystone XL: “It’s oil that’s going to be produced regardless of pipeline… Get over it!”

Warmist: We need a ‘red line’ on climate — ‘Revoke fossil fuel industry’s social license to operate’

Phil Aroneanu writes in The Guardian: Continue reading Warmist: We need a ‘red line’ on climate — ‘Revoke fossil fuel industry’s social license to operate’

U.S. Army forced to $7 billion contract with 17 wind companies — Military as dumping ground for green energy junk

UPI reports: Continue reading U.S. Army forced to $7 billion contract with 17 wind companies — Military as dumping ground for green energy junk