No warming left to deny: Global cooling takes over… CET annual mean temperature plunges 1°C since 2000

NoTricksZone reports: Continue reading No warming left to deny: Global cooling takes over… CET annual mean temperature plunges 1°C since 2000

Watermelon objects to being called… a watermelon — solution is skeptics’ surrender as watermelon science rots on vine

James Randerson writes at the Guardian: Continue reading Watermelon objects to being called… a watermelon — solution is skeptics’ surrender as watermelon science rots on vine

Warmist capitulation begins… Hans von Storch: ‘We definitely have seen less warming than expected’

NoTricksZone reports: Continue reading Warmist capitulation begins… Hans von Storch: ‘We definitely have seen less warming than expected’

Aussie Labor party ‘is right to say global warming is dangerous. After all, it’s already fried two Labor leaders’

Andrew Bolt writes: Continue reading Aussie Labor party ‘is right to say global warming is dangerous. After all, it’s already fried two Labor leaders’