No one shows for Calif. cap-and-trade auction — event cancelled

Here’s the notice from the California Air Resources Board:

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September 12, 2013
As of the reserve sale application deadline of September 9th, 2013, no covered entities or opt-in entities had indicated an intent to bid at the September 2013 reserve sale. Therefore, the Air Resources Board will not be holding the reserve sale scheduled for September 27, 2013.

The next reserve sale is scheduled for December 31, 2013. A notice for that reserve sale will be posted approximately 30 days prior to the scheduled date. All allowances for the September 2013 reserve sale will be made available at the December 2013 reserve sale.


The California Cap-and-Trade Program includes an Allowance Price Containment Reserve available to California covered entities and opt-in covered entities in quarterly reserve sales. More information about the reserve sales can be found at:
For further information about reserve sales, please contact Mr. Chuck Seidler at or (916) 324-0931.

For questions regarding the California GHG Cap-and-Trade Program, please contact the California Air Resources Board at (916) 322-2037. For more information on the California Cap-and-Trade Program, please go to:

Click for the announcement.

Click for the auction home page.

5 thoughts on “No one shows for Calif. cap-and-trade auction — event cancelled”

  1. Another triumph for the free market.

    It has assigned the appropriate price for an artificial, government created “right”, that is, 0!!!!!

  2. sorry computer glitch:
    I am actually surprised these folk actually thought the state would earn billions of dollars on this – which is the real reason for the program.

  3. Unfortunately the big users of energy have all had time to leave the state. Boeing, as an example, pretty much shut down their Long Beach manufacturing over a three year period when they found out about Cap and Trade.

    The Utilities don’t have to pay either, because they are forced to purchase alternate energy at outrageous prices, and are not allowed to purchase coal based energy as well, and then sell it back to us at equally outrageous prices – then the politicians who set up this environment blame the energy companies. CA energy is now (and it varies by where you live, based on temperature data) is now about 18 cents per kwh for the first 400 kilowatts, and 26 cents for the rest – and note this is last years rates. The rates are going to go up significantly this year. A typical home uses about 900 kwh per month.

    I am actually surprised these folks

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