No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?

In its report of the Heartland Institute’s new report “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science,” the trade press publication Climatewire reports:

Private Heartland documents disseminated on the Internet in 2012 show that the group budgeted $1.59 million between 2010 and 2013 for the book’s production. The documents listed 13 paid authors. Of those, Idso earned the most in 2012, or $11,600 a month.

Now when was the last time the MSM reported on how much warmists were paid for their work?

2 thoughts on “No MSM Bias Here: Skeptics paid, but warmists work for free?”

  1. Give Climatewire some credit for at least calling the documents “private”. The “Skeptic group launches campaign to question climate science” is behind a paywall, but if our AGW friends are as predictable has they always have been, the piece probably makes no mention of the documents being stolen via identity theft by a prominent AGW promoter/scientist.

  2. I just love the premise that anyone who can use their intelligence to support themselves rather than being a government welfare scientist is suspect. When did private initiative become dishonest. It is possible to be motivated by profit and still have ethics and principles.

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