More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’

The Guardian reports:

Naomi Klein is more interested in “waging ideological warfare” than tackling climate change, according to one of America’s biggest green groups.

In a letter to the Guardian responding to the Canadian author’s recent comments that big green groups were more damaging than “climate deniers” because of their relationship with big business and lobbying for market-based fixes to global warming, Eric Pooley, senior vice-president for strategy and communications at the Environmental Defence Fund, said that she was “promoting her new book with the time-honoured tactic of saying something so outrageous that media can’t help but report it”.

In an interview with US magazine Earth Island Journal, Klein argued that green groups’ advocacy for partnering with business and adopting market measures had “steered us in directions that have yielded very poor results” and had “been more damaging than the rightwing [climate] denialism in terms of how much ground we’ve lost.”

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2 thoughts on “More green on green violence: Left keeps up attack on Naomi Klein for comment about Big Green being more of a problem than ‘deniers’”

  1. Eventually these cultists will have their self-imposed, population reducing “heaven’s gate” moment and we can all move on with our lives including the “big green” businesses that exist solely to facilitate the process of fools parting with their money.

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