Just sworn-in Aussie PM sacks head of Department of Climate Change

The Australian Financial Review reports:

A former head of the Immigration Department, a former head of the Department of Climate Change and Paul Keating’s former chief of staff have all been sacked as department heads in the wake of the election of the Abbott government.

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6 thoughts on “Just sworn-in Aussie PM sacks head of Department of Climate Change”

  1. You notice our great Prime Minister Tony Abbott did all of this in the first 10 days after the election.
    Talk about mover and shaker.
    I love that guy – (in a Jimmy Durante voice)

  2. I hope we get a strong, conservative leader in the White House and He/She fires every last Obama stooge there is in our government on day one.
    On day two, the audits of every agency begin and the IRS trolls are referred to Justice.

  3. He didn’t just sack the head of the Dept of Climate Change, he’s about to sack the entire Department.:D

  4. Proper order.

    Republicans in the US better find a similar leader if they ever want to win an election again.

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