Irony: 2 days after killing coal jobs, EPA chief says agency will ‘effectively shut down’ without stopgap funding by Oct.1

Huffington Post reports:

The head of the Environmental Protection Agency says the agency will “effectively shut down” unless Congress approves stopgap funding by Oct. 1.

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says the agency won’t be able to pay employees. She says only a core group of people will remain on duty in case the EPA has to respond to a “significant emergency.” The vast majority of employees will stay home.

That means that most of EPA’s functions, like drafting regulations and enforcing laws to protect the environment, will likely remain stalled until government operations fully resume.

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5 thoughts on “Irony: 2 days after killing coal jobs, EPA chief says agency will ‘effectively shut down’ without stopgap funding by Oct.1”

  1. “The head of the Environmental Protection Agency says the agency will “effectively shut down” unless Congress approves stopgap funding by Oct. 1.”

    This is actually cheering news! (h/t Phil Jones at UEA).

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