IPCC vice chair: Consensus process too slow, wrongly conservative — new report may be last mega-report

The New Straits Times reports:

Jean Jouzel, a French scientist who is vice-chairman of the group that issued Friday’s report, said that though the technical text was authored by scientists, “it is the adoption of the summary which gives the IPCC its success, and enables it (the summary) to be used by governments”.

But some critics say these mega-reviews spanning thousands of pages belong to the past.

The process was slow at a time when both climate change and the science used to evaluate it are leaping ahead, they said.

And the need for consensus makes these comprehensive judgements worryingly conservative.

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5 thoughts on “IPCC vice chair: Consensus process too slow, wrongly conservative — new report may be last mega-report”

  1. Yep. It would have started when Gore signed the Kyoto Accord and it would have ended right there. Decades of misery and misspent money and time would have been prevented.

  2. As was clearly demonstrated by the Australian people at our recent federal election, this AGW/climate change garbage will be the undoing of all future governments which continue to perpetrate this onerous scam.
    Whichever methodology they choose, these scamsters can no longer hold the attention of the vast majority of this world’s population enthralled.
    They have lost, unfortunately they want to continue feeding at the trough, but their days are numbered.
    Would that we still were in the wild, wild West. At no other time in history would a lynching be more deserving.

  3. You miss the point of Jean Juozel. He wants to proceed from discussing whether global warming is happening, and caused by CO2, which is a given (for his ilk) to reporting on each weather event, issuing “blame evil CO2” reports.

  4. Yeah but unfortunately the group will live on. If they would defund the IPCC project that would be a different story.

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