Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism

Joe Romm rants at ClimateProgress:

Naomi Klein has given an extended interview trashing the environmental movement, “Naomi Klein: Green groups may be more damaging than climate change deniers.” As I will show, she is not just wrong, she is profoundly wrong. Her revisionist history is wrong, too, and contradicted by her policy prescriptions.

Read Romm’s screed.

3 thoughts on “Green-on-Green Violence: Big Green strikes back at Comrade Naomi Klein on failure of warmism”

  1. I like how the most informed opinion is unreasonable. Where did he get that dopey graph. I doubt that can be supported

  2. Maybe ms klein will be the next Judith Curry? Perhaps she is beginning to see the light? Recent years of observational Reality are wearing the Unproven theory thin for her? Dare we hope?

    ………NAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Who am I kidding?

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