4 thoughts on “Green energy causing German electricity rates to ‘rapidly increase… growing numbers of families no longer can afford to pay bill’”

  1. This is exactly what Obama wants here. Electricity to “necessarily skyrocket”. That way the populace has to come to the govt for assistance and O can justify higher taxes on “the rich” to provide the necessary funds.

    It’s called redistribution of wealth or Socialism.

  2. Because the lords and ladies are passing out molasses cookies at the front door while their bailiffs go out the back door to collect the taxes. More or less.

  3. The “energy poverty” problem is widespread in Europe.
    This may be deliberate on the part of some watermelons. Their “green” programs (which cause more environmental damage than they displace) are much more costly. This affects mostly the middle- and lower-class families like mine or my recent German guest from Up With People. Our lifestyles lose some ground; we go out less often and replace furniture less often because the money is going do the power grid and the car’s gas tank.
    And that’s who gets the blame from low-information voters. The voters who chose the people who are making them miserable then listen to the lie that “The rich are making your life miserable, so we’ll give you subsidies and make the rich pay for them!” It’s sometimes phrased a little differently but that’s the result.
    It links to the “living wage” argument. If you push up wages, you push out marginal workers, the ones who most need jobs. We know this empirically. The real answer to low standards of living is to lower the costs of goods and services — and windmills and solar panels raise those costs.
    Voters need to be thinkers or we make ourselves and our neighbors miserable by sending liars and fools to legislate.

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