‘Gambling’ climate change experts could be left red-faced as they bet on earth heating

The Express reports:

Dr Benny Peiser, of Lord Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation, argued today’s report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is based on flawed models which do not give an accurate prediction of a future change in temperature.

The IPCC’s report shows experts are more than 95 per cent certain humans are causing global warming, and that is leading to a range of impacts from melting glaciers to more frequent extreme weather events.

Numerous groups, including Oxfam, Greenpeace and the UK Government, have seized on the report’s conclusions as evidence human behaviour is changing the Earth’s climate.

But Dr Peiser does not doubt the climate has changed, but the report has failed to explain why temperatures have not risen since 1997.

He said: “The IPCC are gambling that temperatures will rise soon.

“My own reading of the report is it’s more a political message than a scientific one.

“They ignore the fact that their models have a problem, and they are unable to say when the temperature will start rising again.

“That is a gamble.

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