Fresh off missing the 17-year ‘pause,’ warmists prepare to sell ‘climate services’ to organizations so they can prepare for climate change

From the media release of a study published today:

The authors expect the research to be of great value for ‘climate services’, the provision of information which helps organisations prepare for a climate which is already different from the past and will inevitably change more in the future. The World Meteorological Organisation and many national organisations, such as the UK Met Office, are investing substantially in the provision of such information.

In addition to their value for planners making climate sensitive decisions, these results should help researchers understand the way large scale changes in climate can be related to changes at local scales. As part of that process they will provide a valuable reality check when evaluating the results of complicated computer models of the climate system.

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5 thoughts on “Fresh off missing the 17-year ‘pause,’ warmists prepare to sell ‘climate services’ to organizations so they can prepare for climate change”

  1. Not sure about local councils, but the Highways Agency seems to be catching up.

    I’ve just seen a freshly built salt depot somewhere on M6 — the dome-shaped thing you pay no attention to while driving in the U.S., which is certain to catch one’s eye in this country.

  2. “As part of that process they will provide a valuable reality check when evaluating the results of complicated computer models of the climate system.”
    So they are proposing reading the tea leaves and rat guts from the climate models which have been proven to not work.

  3. Someone should ask if the local government councils have found the UK Met Offices seasonal winter forecasts useful for buying sufficient road salt to grit the roads..

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