Climate Star Wars: IPCC warms to idea of using giant mirrors in fight against global warming

The Financial Times reports:

Putting giant mirrors in space or salting clouds to make them brighter may sound more like science fiction than reality.

But these and a raft of other futuristic ploys have made it into the pages of a landmark UN report that concludes some have the potential to “substantially” curb global warming, according to a final draft seen by the Financial Times.

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9 thoughts on “Climate Star Wars: IPCC warms to idea of using giant mirrors in fight against global warming”

  1. It seems that after around 11,000 years the dominant species climbs to a level of civilization that allows worldwide industry. Then a greats source of evil comes awake and convinces them to put up space mirrors to cool the planet. This triggers a MAJOR Ice Age. during the 100,000 years of said Ice Age the mirrors burn up on re-entry, leaving no trace. Also 95% of all life is wiped out and 100% of ALL traces of civilization.

    The Great Evil is at it again. Will It succeed again?

  2. “It’s the same old hubris, but wrapped in a different, even more expensive package. We’re into the delusions of grandeur stage…”

    Yes and as everyone here knows such big projects need scientific advisors with big paychecks. They also need politicians who primp and preen and control.

  3. In the early 50’s rain making was all the rage. Touted as the first step in human control of weather. Ranchers in the drainage about 15 miles from us all signed on to a rain making scheme paying so much per acre. They were promised no floods or violent weather, winds or hail. May and June seemed to prove their sales pitch, but just after the 4th of July, we looked over their way one afternoon to see a super cell that rivaled the newly developed hydrogen bomb. We could hear the roar from 15 miles away and it lasted all afternoon. It was the worst flood and hail storm in the history of the drainage. It took out all bridges and irrigation structures, fences and corrals and barns. It washed huge scour holes in the native hay meadows. It eroded the river banks making it inaccessible in many places. It dumped silt and trash on the hay crop. It hailed out two square miles of wheat. Needless to say, the popularity of rain making waned as soon as news of the 500 year flood spread.

  4. We can scrap all the CO2 policies if everyone just wore those shiny foil jumpsuits everyone in sci fi used to wear. The future is now.

  5. It’s the same old hubris, but wrapped in a different, even more expensive package. We’re into the delusions of grandeur stage…

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