Climate change is on ice: UN scientists reveal the world’s barely got any hotter in the last 15 years – but say they are now 95% certain man is to blame for global warming

The Daily Mail reports:

UN scientists said today they are ’95 per cent’ certain that climate change is man made, but still could not explain why the world has barely got any hotter in the last 15 years.

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that sea levels have risen by 19cm since 1901 and are expected to rise a further 26-82cm by the end of the century.

It added that concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased to levels that are unprecedented in at least 800,000 years.

But the landmark report conceded that world temperatures have barely risen in the past 15 years, despite growing amounts of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere.

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7 thoughts on “Climate change is on ice: UN scientists reveal the world’s barely got any hotter in the last 15 years – but say they are now 95% certain man is to blame for global warming”

  1. You do have to wonder how the IPCC can become more certain of its claims when the CO2/ actual temperature relationship is diverging. We all have had to deal with persistent liars. A lie to support a lie to support a lie, until one day you realize the whole lot is one monstrous lie, after you have been well and truly done over. The more and more outlandish and desperate claims from the IPCC fit the behavior profile of a chronic LIAR.

  2. Even if the claimed facts are true, less than a meter over the course of 100 years does not constitute an international crisis the likes of which humanity has never faced before. Homes here in New Orleans, LA are frequently raised more than a meter just to save money on flood insurance.

    We don’t even need to argue the flaws in the science. The “desperate times call for desperate measures” argument is down the drain. We need to harp on how small the claimed numbers really are, and impress upon the voting masses that the impending AGW catastrophe is no more serious than the constant asteroid “close calls” that are actually tens of thousands of miles away.

  3. My local news station regurgitated the “More proof it is the fault of Humans” line when announcing this report.
    Everyone should hit their local news sites and respond with corrections and links to help more people find alternative sources (while the story is being pushed).

  4. Actually over the last 10 years it looks more like the average temperature, based on ground weather stations has dropped a bit, maybe a 1/20 of a degree.

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