Canadian paper to Neil Young on Keystone XL: ‘Stick to singing’

The Calgary Herald:

Never mind rocking the free world, Neil Young is trying to rock Canada’s oil world, comparing Fort McMurray with the site of an atomic bomb blast.

“The fact is, Fort McMurray looks like Hiroshima. Fort McMurray is a wasteland,” the iconic Canadian singer said Tuesday in Washington, D.C., in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Young is entitled to his opinion, and to his credit, he reportedly made the trip to Alberta from his home in California in his hybrid 1959 Lincoln Continental, which runs on ethanol and electricity.

But only a fool would expect a large-scale mining operation such as the oilsands to be a thing of beauty.

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5 thoughts on “Canadian paper to Neil Young on Keystone XL: ‘Stick to singing’”

  1. Neil young has always been a bigot. Remember his whiney “Southern Man” (?) screeching? Look up whiner in the dictionary and there’s his pic….

  2. Sure the car runs on alternative fuel, but are all the panels, fabrics, wire insulation, and paint made from organically grown, sustainably sourced plant matter? Is every ounce of metal post-consumer recycled material?

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