Bloomberg News slams Obama admin as ‘pathetic’ for not cooperating with upcoming House climate hearing

Bloomberg News editorializes:

Although the Republicans’ see-nothing, do-nothing strategy on climate change is silly, they’re right to seek information about what the administration is doing and what it costs. President Barack Obama proposed a climate plan in June that seeks to work around Congress, which may help explain Republicans’ confrontational stance. Yet their posture doesn’t excuse the administration’s pathetic response or mean that congressional oversight is unimportant. If anything, the president’s strategy makes congressional oversight more important.

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3 thoughts on “Bloomberg News slams Obama admin as ‘pathetic’ for not cooperating with upcoming House climate hearing”

  1. “Although the Republicans’ see-nothing, do-nothing strategy on climate change is silly, …”
    Excuse me. Senator Inhofe and other Republicans have reviewed the data and the models and the agendas extensively and they have formed the same conclusion as recent IPCC statements: the IPCC doesn’t know what’s going on.
    Obama and the Enablers want to continue their agenda and that means keeping serious discussion out of the public eye. Their voters are the ones who would control the release of oxidized hydrogen with electrolyte components (e.g. spitting or tinkling or sweating).

  2. momma said; It is best to remain silent and have folks think you the fool, that to speak up and remove all doubt.

  3. The editorial says the White House should provide information: ‘What’s worked, and what hasn’t? In the process, administration officials may be able to improve public understanding of the challenge and the response — and, not incidentally, score a few political points themselves.”
    That is exactly why they won’t cooperate–because honestly showing what has not worked would destroy their agenda. Billions or trillions wasted with very little to show as progress.

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