Dem Senate candidate ‘deeply disappointed’ with Obama EPA coal rules; ‘Yet again President Obama’s administration has taken direct aim at Kentucky jobs’

The Associated Press reports: Continue reading Dem Senate candidate ‘deeply disappointed’ with Obama EPA coal rules; ‘Yet again President Obama’s administration has taken direct aim at Kentucky jobs’

Orwellian: EPA chief says coal industry-killing rules ‘can actually promote the industry sector to grow’

Greenwire reports: Continue reading Orwellian: EPA chief says coal industry-killing rules ‘can actually promote the industry sector to grow’

Arrogance: EPA says new coal plant rules have no costs — tell that to the reeling coal industry and consumers

From EPA’s regulatory impact analysis: Continue reading Arrogance: EPA says new coal plant rules have no costs — tell that to the reeling coal industry and consumers

Sen. Murkowski ‘very disappointed’ in EPA coal rules — ‘Obama admin doen’t have ability to will technologies into existence’

Alaskan Native News reports: Continue reading Sen. Murkowski ‘very disappointed’ in EPA coal rules — ‘Obama admin doen’t have ability to will technologies into existence’

Howler: IPCC says 15-year pauses in warming are ‘common’ — yet IPCC failed to predict ongoing ‘pause’

Reuters reports: Continue reading Howler: IPCC says 15-year pauses in warming are ‘common’ — yet IPCC failed to predict ongoing ‘pause’

Twisted: EPA administrator says she ‘had a blast’ announcing destruction of coal industry

Here’s her tweet about today’s National Press Club event during which she proposed to execute the coal industry. Continue reading Twisted: EPA administrator says she ‘had a blast’ announcing destruction of coal industry